When is the Right Time to Say I Love You?

Saying, “I love you” for the first time is one of the greatest and scariest things a guy can do in his life, and hearing it said for the first time is an amazing experience, especially if the feeling is mutual. However, there are risks that are involved in saying, “I love you” and if it is not done properly, it can all go down the drain from there. Timing is one of the most essential elements in expressing your love towards another person. Knowing when to say the words can seal the deal between two potential lovers.

Here are some things to consider when planning to profess your love:

Are You Ready?

Saying, “I love you” will take a relationship to a new, more intimate level. More often than not, saying those three little words, signifies readiness to enter into a commitment. You declare your love with an assumption that you are ready for new challenges and that you are ready to share yourself with someone else. The process shouldn’t be done lightly. Making sure that you are ready to be in a relationship is a prerequisite to saying “I love you.” Every aspect should be taken into consideration since a true commitment entails extra time, effort, and quite frankly, a loss of the complete freedom you have had as a single person.

Do you really love her?

A careful assessment of your feelings should also be done before saying, “I love you.” When people date, feelings are often mixed and misinterpreted. Feelings of infatuation, admiration, and lust can be mistaken for love, especially when the relationship is exciting and new. Ask yourself if you really love her a thousand times before saying the words to her. It sounds like a cliche but this exercise can help avoid making a life-altering mistake.

Consider the consequences

Have you thought of all the consequences of saying, “I love you?” Sometimes the right thing to say is nothing at all. At times, being silent about your feelings is a way to express true love. When you do tell her that you love her, you must be prepared for whatever her response might be. Not every relationship gets beyond the I-love-you stage, but there are relationships that can really be strengthened by saying, “I love you” at the perfect time.

The moment

It really all boils down to timing. When you want to say, “I love you” to another her, do it in style. You need to show her that you do not take these words lightly and that you are sincere. Several things should be taken into consideration when planning for this moment. You want to make this occasion memorable and romantic. The schedule, venue, and mood need to be on point. Practice saying, “I love you” in front of a mirror. It might seem pathetic but it will definitely help.

Be ready for her response

Saying, “I love you” is a very exciting moment and also risky, which adds to its excitement. When you tell her that you love her,  you need to be prepared to take whatever response she gives. Not all love stories have happy endings. Think about possible situations that can happen after you say, “I love you.” Her response can bring you the utmost happiness or crushing hurt. Be careful and learn to accept her feelings.

Saying, “I love you” can be a daunting task. A lot of preparation is needed to achieve that specific moment that could lead to a new relationship. It may not go exactly as planned, but no matter how inept you might become when professing your love, it shouldn’t really matter as long as you are certain and sincere.